Category Archives: Writing

Writing collection relating to lifetime experiences.

Making a Difference

Making a Difference

“Two Young Peasant Women,” (Detail), 1892, Camille Pissarro. Image from a page of the 2011 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


Making a difference in the lives of others, can make a difference in our lives too.

“The purpose of life is not to be happy.  It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am a “doer.” If you were to walk along side of me in a day in my life, you’d quickly realize that I rarely  sit still.  If  my body is not in motion, my mind is running at full throttle.  If I am not focused intensely on something that I am working out in my mind, you can bet I am multi-tasking; juggling as many activities at once as I can.  I am constantly thinking ahead.  When my head hits the pillow at the end of the night, or many times in the wee hours of the morning, my sleep is filled with dreams.  What is it that keeps me “on” so much of the time?  Does all of this busyness make a difference? Continue reading

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What’s in a word? – Embrace

What's in a word? - Embrace

“The Burial of Atala” (Detail), 1946, Jean Baptiste Raphael Urbain Massard, after Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson. Image (excerpt) from a page of the 2014 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

What’s in a word? – Embrace

Hold tightly, hug, intensity, anguish, security, arms, enveloped, loved, tenderly, sucked in, melt, passion, eternal, heart-felt, mmmmmmm…

What is in this word for you?  Do tell me, please.

It is a comfortable place to be in the embrace of another…try it for yourself…give someone a hug today!



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It’s All Right

It's All Right

“After the Ball,” (Detail), 1874, Alfred Stevens. Image from a page of the 2014 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

It’s all right…when we feel vulnerable, when we are afraid or just unsure; that is when we can become the most secure.

A  mental image came to mind when I was singing praises during our worship time at a recent church service.  I can’t quite remember now what it was in the songs that made me think of it; perhaps I was just feeling a little misunderstood and insecure that morning.  We all have days and periods in our lives when we are just not at our best.  When those times come, I feel anything but “all right.”

My faith in God and my eternal salvation are the most important things in the world to me..for without that hope, that truth, I am nothing.  At the same time, I am in this world and I live my life uniquely.  I interpret the world through my own vision, and what I see is filtered through the eyes of the abiding love that God showers upon me.  Still, I don’t always make the right choices. I make mistakes everyday.  Sometimes I feel so lost and so not knowing what to do…so not “all right.”

Whenever I feel vulnerable and insecure, the same mental image plays over in my mind; as if I am watching a movie.  I am on a stage, like an actress playing the part of that moment in my life.  I tremble as I peer out into the audience, until my eyes search out the familiar faces of my family and friends clapping, cheering me on and mouthing the words,”You’re doing fine!” and “We love you!”  That same image played out in my mind on that Sunday morning, but the face that I saw in the audience was that of Jesus…and he said, “I love you no matter what.  I will never leave you, nor forsake you.  Abide in me and I will abide in you.  For I have already paid the price. Indeed, when I focus on these promises, it is then that I know, it’s all right.

“Here is what I am commanding you to do.  Be strong and brave.  Do not be terrified.  Do not lose hope.  I am the Lord your God.  I will be with you everywhere you go.” Joshua 1:9




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What’s in a word? – Tangerine

What's in a word? - Tangerine

“Tangerine”, Felecia R. Weber,

What’s in a word? – Tangerine

Breakfast, refreshing, not an orange, squirt, luscious, zesty, fruit, round, vibrant, sweet, desire, inviting, thirst, quench, nourishment, skin, flesh, segments, liquid, juice…

By now you may have noted that I have a little bit of the “gift of gab“…well okay, a lot of that gift!  I truly do love words and how they can be written in such a way as to paint the most lovely of pictures, even though they are simply letters placed on a page, or a screen.  I also appreciate you, my readers, and I always enjoy hearing from you.  So, as homage to the wonderful world of words and to give you a chance to join in helping me to spread my gift, I have decided to begin a monthly series entitled “What’s in a word?”

Each month, I will choose a random word, anything that pops into my head at the time, or one that has been on my mind for a while.  Then I will proceed to list all of the words or phrases that I can think of to describe it.  This is actually an exercise that I employ when developing a poem or one of my essays.  My hope is that you will share your thoughts on the words that I offer to you as well…who knows, perhaps they will inspire your creative side.  You never know what you’ll find in a word!

Peace and love,


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A Bit of Myself

A Bit of Myself

Study of a Rose blossom, photograph by Martin Watson

A Bit of Myself…sharing the secrets of my soul.

I must admit that I have had a bit of a difficult time getting my thoughts down on paper for this post.  I knew what I wanted to say, but I just couldn’t seem to formulate the words. Thinking back on things that’d read or seen that would perhaps inspire me, I came across this excerpt from the classic story “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde:

Basil Hallward:  “every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not the sitter.  The sitter is merely the accident, the occasion.  It is not he who is revealed by the painter; it is rather the painter who, on the colored canvas, reveals himself.  The reason I will not exhibit this picture is that I am afraid that I have shown in it the secret of my own soul.”

When I first read this passage, I must say that I had to reread it a couple of times and sort of catch my breath. Continue reading

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And the Mirror Cracked

And the Mirror Cracked

A winter scape, photograph by Martin Watson

And the mirror cracked…and what was left for me to see?

Thinking back over the events of the year that has just passed, the first phrase that popped into my head was “and the mirror cracked.”  A strange saying yet not so far from the truth.  As with every new year, I’d entered into it full of hope and excited anticipation.  The days, the months, the seasons passed by so quickly.  It seemed as soon as I settled into one thing, something else had already climbed over the horizon, and stared me right in the face.  I know, I know, life is like that.  We’ve never been promised that it would be easy…I’ve never expected that.  Hmmm, now there’s a word, expectations…the real focus of my thoughts.

With a new year ahead of me, I am about to write a new chapter in my life’s journal.   Continue reading

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I Once Was Lost

I Once Was Lost

“Carla,” graphite pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove,com

I Once Was Lost…but now am found…

“Amazing grace produces amazing faith!” Felecia R. Weber,

Isn’t it funny how seeing an image or hearing a phrase can bring to mind a certain tune, or a specific time and place that comes alive from your memory to the present?  That happened to me recently when I came across the words, “I once was lost.”  Can you guess what song immediately popped into my head when I read those words?  You’ve probably guessed right; that old, familiar hymn,  “Amazing Grace.” 

Once that song entered into my mind, it stayed with me for a long time. Continue reading

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Taste and See

Taste and See

“Taste and See,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber,

“Taste and see that The Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 34:8

We cannot always know what lies ahead of us.  Sometimes it feels as though we can barely wade through the murky waters that seem to flood out anything good in our lives.  The dimness that has captured our focus surrounds us and threatens to pull us down.  When even a glimmer of hope comes along, we tend to grasp it so tightly, as if our lives depend upon it.  What is it? Where does the strength to rise up out of any grave situation with a vibrancy that can conquer the darkest night come from? Continue reading

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