Category Archives: Writing

Writing collection relating to lifetime experiences.

On Living in the Present

On Living in the Present

living in the presentA Quote to Carry You

May 11, 2015

“‘What Day is it?’  “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.  “My favorite day.” said Pooh.”  A. A. Milne

On living in the present – There is a simplicity in living in the present; living each day as it comes.  I liken the ability to do that with having the heart of a child…something that all adults have experienced to some degree.  Imagine being able to awaken on Sunday morning and truly enjoy all of the blessings that unfold on that day of rest, rather that letting it quickly dwindle away because you’ve set your focus on the challenges that the start of the work week on Monday will bring. Or wouldn’t it be refreshing to take a walk in the rain without worrying that your hair will frizzle when it gets wet?  How about going ahead and splashing in the puddles without caring how muddy your clothes will get?  Or maybe try singing as loud as you want no matter who hears that you are terribly off key.  These are trivial things I know, but that’s my point.  In the whole scheme of things, are the “big” things in life that we worry about as important as we think?  Living in the present allows us to let go of the past, (it has gone, never to return), and stop grasping for the future, (it will arrive soon enough).  Why not give it a try?  You may find that living in the “present” really is a gift.

May you live today in the present…and may each day be your favorite one too.

Peace and love,


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On A Mother’s Work

On A Mother’s Work

mother's workA Quote to Carry You

May 4, 2015

“A man’s work is from sun to sun, but a mother’s work is never done.” Author Unknown

On a mother’s work.  To say that “a mother’s work is never done” seems like an understatement when it comes to my mom.  It seems that no matter how  late it is at night, or sometimes how early in the wee hours of the morning, I can always count on my mother being there to talk to.  It seems that she never runs out of energy; there is always that one last thing she wants to get done before going to bed.  That one thing invariably turns into those last few things, and before you know it…well suffice it to say that she seems to just be getting her second wind when midnight rolls around  That’s my mom; she’s always doing something.  I so appreciate that about her and I’m happy today that I am much the same way.  As far back as I can remember, my mom has worked hard, no matter what the task, no matter what time of the day or night.  There is something else that I remember even more so too.  Through my mothers work, she showed her love for my dad, my sisters, and me…and that is truly something that she has done, and still does, so very well!  Thanks for all you do Mommy…I love you!

May you be sure to take the time this week to let your mother know how much her work means to you.

Peace and love,


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On Nature

On Nature

on natureA Quote to Carry You

April 27, 2015

“There is a slumbering subterranean fire in nature which never goes out, and which no cold can chill.”  Henry David Thoreau (A Winter Walk)

On nature. There is something about our physical world that exudes a vibrancy that cannot be ignored.  Even when something in nature appears to be dead, like the cold, hard, rigid ground during the dead of winter, it eventually springs to life yielding a treasure trove of delight once warm temperatures begin to filter the air.  I liken the dramatic transformation of the earth when it transitions from winter into spring to what happens to us each night.  When we slumber, and fall off into a deep, restorative sleep, our bodies may appear to have stopped breathing as though we were dead.  However, beneath the surface of our skin, our internal organs are undergoing countless bodily processes that help to keep us strong, healthy, alive and well.  When we awaken we are filled with a fresh supply of energy…ready to start a brand new day.

As you live through your new day, may you take the time to enjoy the radiance of nature, and all that it has to offer.

Peace and love,


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On Adventure

On Adventure

on adventureA Quote to Carry You

April 20, 2015

“Adventure is worthwhile in itself.”  Amelia Earhart

On adventure.  What is the difference between a journey and an adventure?  Which one sounds more exciting?  Which one sounds the most appealing and fulfilling?  To take a journey is to travel from one place to another.  An adventure will get you from one place to another…but the route may not be at all what you expect.  The hills may turn into mountains, or what at first appears to be a crevice, may actually turn out to be an incredibly long and burdensome valley.  Smooth highways may lead to rocky roads that are difficult to navigate.  Now, here is another question…in the end, which one sounds more worth embarking on?

Happy travels…




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It Just Feels Good

It just feels good

The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Alicia Graf Mack. Photograph courtesy of Andrew Eccles

It just feels good – It just feels good when things turn out for the best.  It is during those times that I can truly rest.

“As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.  Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!”  Luke 1:44-45

It Just Feels Good

It just feels good when good news comes;

it can make me so excited, I just want to scream!

There is so much around that can make me sad,

so I fully rejoice when good things outweigh the bad.

It just feels good when things turn out for the best,

it seems like a weight is removed from my shoulders.

It is during those times that I can truly rest.

It just feels good, when my night turns into day;

the light makes everything bright and new.

No more stumbling, or falling for me…

for my path is illuminated; I can clearly find my way.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

There is something about good news that just feels good.  Life is full of good things to celebrate…getting accepted into the college of your choice, being offered that new job you’ve been longing for, finding out that the first grandchild in the family is soon to be born…I could go on and on.  My inspiration for this poem came from the scripture verses above, where the baby in Elizabeth’s womb, who would grow up to be John the Baptist, leaped for joy when Mary, pregnant with Jesus Christ, arrived.  Unlike the joy that we have because of the wonderful things that we get to experience and celebrate here on earth, the infant John’s joy was based on something far better.  His joy was based on the promise of the coming of our Lord and Savior being fulfilled.  That is not news that just feels good…it is good…it is the Good News!

May your day be filled with the good things in life…and may your good news be the Good News that truly counts.

Peace and love,


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Joy – What’s in a word?


“A Fresh Start,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Joy – What’s in a word? Feeling like spring is finally upon us, I can honestly say that I feel like jumping for joy!

Happiness, gladness, pleasure, delight.

When I have joy in my heart,

there is no sadness in sight!

Joy makes me feel radiant,

all shining and new.

As fresh as a field all covered in the morning dew!

Happy, delighted, pleased, glad…

What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me, please do!

Joy is what I felt when I got glimpse of the brilliant yellow petals of the crocus blossom in the photograph above.  After experiencing one of the harshest winters and only just now feeling like spring is finally upon us, I can honestly say that I feel like jumping for joy!  It feels so wonderful to step outside to feed the birds, check the mail or even take out the garbage, when I am greeted at the door by the fresh warmth of the season.  I’ve noticed that my little dog Bilbo and I seem to linger longer on our morning and evening walks…the air is filled with joy!

May you be filled with a brightness today, and may you share your joy with others along the way.

Peace and love,


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On Fullness

On Fullness

on fullnessA Quote to Carry You

April 13, 2015

“You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”  Psalm 23:5

On fullness…When I think of being full, I often think of just having finished a satisfying meal.  My body has been nourished and I have all that I need to carry on.  In my daily life, when I am not certain how to fill the spaces that are empty; when I truly don’t know what I need or how to go about getting it, I know that I can always turn to God for the answer.  It always amazes me how God fills me and supplies me with more than I need in any circumstance.  It’s like He dons an apron, seats me at His table, and prepares for me the most exquisite meal.  A feast that I could never have imagined even tasting, let alone being served course after course until I cannot take in any more.  Indeed, when my fulness comes from Him…I am completely satisfied.

Are you empty?  Are you seeking to be satisfied?  May you look no further and find your fullness in what God has already prepared for you.




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On Emotions

On Emotions

on emotionsA Quote to Carry You

April 6, 2015

“When it comes to emotions…you can either take them or they will take you…it all depends on who’s in the driver’s seat.”  Felecia R. Weber,

On emotions…Emotions are powerful; they have the capability to lift us up and to bring us down.  They can be so intense that they can cause us to believe strongly in something whether it be true or not. Emotions can coax out the best in us and the worst in us. At times it may feel as though we have no control over them, but rest assured, we do.  As quickly as an emotion can come on, it can just as easily be turned off…it takes effort, but it can be done.  Whichever direction your emotions are driving you today, remember that ultimately, you have control over the steering wheel…may you enjoy your journey.



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