Category Archives: Writing

Writing collection relating to lifetime experiences.

On Sustenance

On Sustenance

on sustenanceA Quote to Carry You

August 24, 2015

“And he said to me, My grace is sufficient for thee…”  2 Corinthians 12:9

On sustenance – These days we are bombarded with all kinds of choices when it comes to food. One would think that whatever he eats, as long as it is food, would provide the nourishment that his body requires, right?  Well, we all know that that just isn’t true.  When it comes to sustenance, defined as something that sustains life or health, making the right choices definitely matters.  I have proven this time and again…when I indulge my sweet tooth a little too much, the effects that I experience afterwards are not so sweet.  More importantly, although those sugary treats do provide more than sufficient calories, they are empty calories that provide health destructing rather than heath restoring energy.

I find that this principle doesn’t only apply when it comes to providing sustenance for my physical body.  It can also be applied to my spiritual needs.  Whenever I indulge in focusing on things that are contrary to the Bible, God’s living Word, such as yielding to feelings of anger, prideful thinking, and selfish behavior, I am only filling my heart with empty promises.  The more I let myself continue in those ways, the more malnourished spiritually I become.  Sooner or later, I realize that I can never sustain a true sense of peace, contentment and joy apart from the sustenance that only God can provide.  And, indeed, his grace is always sufficient for me.

Are you seeking the kind of sustenance that will truly meet all of your needs?  May you find out for yourself the glorious ways in which God will do just that whenever you ask him to.

Peace and love,


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On Waiting

On Waiting

on waitingA Quote to Carry You

August 17, 2015

“Sometimes, waiting for something makes it all the more worth it…and in some cases, especially when we don’t receive what we were waiting for.”  Felecia R. Weber,

On waiting – In today’s society, we have become so used to instant gratification.  As soon as we obtain something, we may hardly even appreciate if before we are on to the next.  I’ll admit that I have allowed myself to fall into that trap.  Even when I’ve waited for a very long time for something to happen or to finally receive what I have been waiting for, before long, and often not very long at all, I begin focusing on the next thing that I am hoping for.

Fortunately, there have been plenty of things that I’ve been waiting for that haven’t come to fruition.   And, funny as it may sound, those are the times that have turned out to be the most valuable to me.  Does that make sense?  Let me explain.  When I have longed for something and have had to wait for a period of time to receive it, I have learned that the actual process of waiting spawns patience.  In learning to be patient, I’ve developed endurance.  Through enduring the waiting period, I’ve gained strength.  Being strong, I’ve learned to be prepared to accept the outcome…whether I receive that which I have been waiting for or not.  Therefore, in the end, I am at peace, no matter what.  Now that is something worth waiting for…don’t you agree?

Peace and love,


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On Things Remembered

On Things Remembered

on Things RememberedA Quote to Carry You

August 10, 2015

“A good character is the best tombstone.  Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered.  Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.”  Charles Spurgeon

On things remembered – I’ll admit, I do not have a strong memory when it comes to retaining facts about things that do not interest me.  I really have to make an effort to write such things down and refer to them later if I am going to even have a chance of remembering anything about them.  I have a much easier time remembering those things that have to do with my own interests.

The same goes for remembering past events in my life.  Oh the memories of the wonderful times I’ve shared with my family and friends.  Those things remembered, have an uncanny way of entering into the present when I recall them.  Sometimes those special moments can be so vivid that they seem tangible, like I am actually reliving them.  I suppose the more precious are those things remembered, the closer they are to my heart…and the more I want to keep them alive.

May you recall often, those things remembered that are dear to you.  And when you do, may they remain alive and well in your heart always.

Peace and love,


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On Warmth

On Warmth

on warmthA Quote to Carry You

August 3, 2015

“The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.”  Oscar Wilde

On warmth – Warmth comes in many different forms, and in many different degrees.  Indeed, this summer we are experiencing some of the hottest temperatures ever recorded.  Sometimes the warmth of the bright sun combined with a thick layer of humidity can feel dense enough to slice through.  During this time of year, there have been days where droplets of sweat have formed on my forehead after taking just one step outside the door!  Be that as it may, there is one form of warmth that can heat up our hearts even faster…the warmth of love.

To me, being loved and genuinely wanted and cared for can cause a warmth to radiate straight through to my heart.  In fact, knowing that I am truly loved can spark a flame within me that causes my entire world to glow.  To experience the warmth that is produced by love is a temperature that I am comfortable with any time of year.

May your heart be wrapped so tightly within a blanket of love today that its warmth causes you to glow…and warm up others around you.

Peace and love,


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“Studies of a Young Woman,” 1870, Adolph Menzel. Image from a page of the 2015 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Perspectives – My life’s perspectives are always changing, and challenging me to do more.

“Perhaps nothing helps us make the movement from our little selves to a larger world than remembering God in gratitude.  Such a perspective puts God in view in all of life, not just in the moments we set aside for worship or spiritual disciplines.  Not just in the moments when life seems easy.”  Henri Nouwen


Staring in the mirror, who do I see?

At first glance, it is simply a reflection of me.

As I peer closer, an added dimension appears.

My face reveals a culmination of my life through the years.

My eyes reflect back to me experiences of times past.

Those times that I’ve rushed through, and the ones I’d wanted to last.

What a contrast; how differently I see things now than I did before.

My life’s perspectives are always changing, and challenging me to do more.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

One of my neighbors, and gracious admirer of my artwork, has commissioned me to do a graphite pencil drawing for her.  The image is a street scene which will require my using the technique of perspective, while sketching out the composition.  Perspectives can involve something as simple as verbalizing a single point of view.  When it comes to other things in life, however, they can be as complex as trying to represent the illusion of depth and distance on a flat sheet of paper.  Perspectives also carry another dimension with them.  For as the relationship between the items being focused upon change, so does the way we in which we view them.

Perspectives, whether used as a technique in drawing or as a way of analyzing life events, are interesting to say the least.  How do you approach things that require you to view them in more than one dimension?

Peace and love,


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On Priorities

On Priorities

on prioritiesA Quote to Carry You

July 27, 2015

“For when my outward action doth demonstrate the native act and figure of my heart, in compliment external, ’tis not long after.  But I wear my heart upon my sleeve, for daws to peck at:  I am not what I am.”  From William Shakespeare’s “Othello”

On Priorities – It is fair to say that what we put first in our lives says a great deal about who we are.  Thinking about what my true priorities in life are brought the saying “I wear my heart upon my sleeve” to mind.  Being a task-oriented person, it pleases me when I check off something on my “to do” list as complete.  What’s even better, is when I can check off every item on the list.  However, it seems that when my list appears to be complete, a whole slew of other tasks follow and on and on it goes.

When my “to do’s” outweigh the time that I have to complete them, setting priorities comes into play.  When I begin reviewing my list trying to decide what is the most important thing that needs to get done, I often come to the same conclusion.  The things on my “to do” list are really not important at all!  When I examine my true priorities, I’ve come to realize that the most important thing in my life has already been done.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Matthew 6:33

I have found that in turning my life over to Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I have essentially made following him the priority of my life.  As a follower of Christ, it is ever my hope that what “I wear upon my sleeve” is a heart that reflects the love that God has filled it with.  In turn, my true priorities have become completing my part in what God has already done.

Spending time on God’s “to do’s” are rewarding, that certainly is true.  May spreading his love to others be your number one priority too.

Peace and love,


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On Vacations

On Vacations

on vacationsA Quote to Carry You

July 20, 2015

“Laughter is an instant vacation.”  Milton Berle

On Vacations – I am certain that most of you would agree that, ’tis the season…for vacations that is! Whether you are planning some time off to visit with family and friends, trek off to the woods for hiking and camping, or set sail for an exotic adventure in a far off land, vacations are something to look forward to and to enjoy.  In fact, having time off to rest and get refreshed is welcome at any time of the year.  Not only is taking a break from the “daily grind” something to look forward to, it doesn’t necessarily have to want for summer or the holidays.

Given all of the changes in my “daily grind” over these past several months, I won’t have the luxury of taking time off for any vacations right away.  Be that as it may, it won’t stop me from enjoying some of the benefits that vacations provide.  For me, closing my eyes and envisioning myself traveling off to a sunny spot on the beach, wading along the waves and scrunching my toes up in the wet sand can be enough to brighten my day.  Thinking back and reminiscing about the wonderful vacations I’ve gotten to enjoy in the past are often just what I need to get me excited about what I have to look forward to when I do have the chance to get away.  Whether smiling for a brief moment over a treasured memory, or spending time perusing through photographs and laughing aloud at some funny things they’ve brought to mind, vacations have a way of invigorating us long after we’ve actually experienced them.

Whether you get to take one or more vacations for real, or at least get to daydream about the ones you’ll get to enjoy in the future, may they transport you away long enough to be refreshed…it is amazing what a little time away can do for you.

Peace and love,


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Good Things

good things

Photograph courtesy of my niece Alexia Danielle

Good things come in small packages and they aren’t always evident from the start…

“…the kingdom of God is within you.”  Luke 17:21

Good Things Come In Small Packages

Good things come in small packages,

I’ve heard that phrase before.

There really is a goodness and wisdom gained,

in realizing that less is truly more.

Good things come in small packages,

they aren’t always evident from the start.

Often times they are invisible to the naked eye;

sometimes they can only be seen by the heart.

Good things come in small packages,

it is amazing how quickly and immensely they grow.

A spark of an idea, an act of love, is all it takes.

The best things are poured from above down to us below.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Good things really do come in small packages!  In fact, many themes it is the tiniest things on earth, that offer the most to us.  Seemingly insignificant treasures have a way of blossoming into the most wonderful blessings…

May you experience how immensely rich even the tiniest gift, or how profoundly the fewest words of wisdom spoken to you can enrich your life.

Peace and love,


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