Category Archives: Travel

Travel short story writing collection relating to lifestyle themes.

Magi – What’s in a word?


“Gifts of the Magi,” by Felecia R. Weber 2014,

Magi…wise men, seeking hope from afar…

Wise men seeking hope from afar.

What was it they sought,

as they followed that star?

Majesty, power, greatness and all?

No, what they found was far greater,

and at the sight; to their knees they did fall.

Majesty, wise men, star, night, humble, royal, Bethlehem, a wondrous sight.

Magi – What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me, please do!

The Magi were thought to be mysterious and wise.  They followed the star that led them to the place in which they expected to find someone so impressive that they traveled afar, bearing luxurious gifts.  But what they found was a most humbling sight indeed.  For as the shepherds were told, “This will be a sign to you:  You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”  (Luke 2:12).  No grandeur, no pomp and circumstance, yet the King of Kings was born…and He still reigns.

The Magi sought Jesus by following a star.  May you seek Him in your own way…and may you find Him.

Peace and love,




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On Following

On Following

followingA Quote to Carry You

December 15, 2014

“After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.  When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.”  Matthew 2:9-10

The story of the Magi in the Bible has always possessed an air of mystery in my opinion.  How did these three wise men know that following the star would lead them to something worthy of the precious gifts that they brought with them to give?  They traveled from places afar, they had so little to go on…following a star?  Perhaps more than mystery, these wise men provided a strong example of faith.  They believed in something so strongly that they forfeited a great deal of time and incurred much expense in order to receive it.  In following that star to give exquisite gifts from their riches, they received something far more valuable; something that cannot be bought, for the price has already been paid.

What are you following?  May it be the same thing that the wise men sought and found…and may you also receive the gift that gives through all eternity.

Peace and love,


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Believing Through the Darkness

believing through the darkness

“Lights in the Darkness,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2014,

Believing through the darkness into the light…what a revelation awaits us there!

“In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.  The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”  John 1:4-5

If you’ve been busy getting started on decorating your home for Christmas as I have, you will likely agree on how frustrating it can be to untangle the string of Christmas tree lights before hanging them (or tossing them away!).  The title for this post Believing Through the Darkness came to my mind just at the moment I did grab the trash can and was ready to throw my wad of lights into it.  Taking a deep breath, I decided to plug in the darkened bulbs one last time, and you know what?  The tiny lights seemed to sparkle, as though they were smiling at me.

Believing through the darkness, those times when our lives are not so cheery and bright, can be just as frustrating as dealing with tangled lights.  The thing is, we can’t just toss our lives away now can we?  Nope, we have to live them one day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time. Each increment of time can represent the knots in the string of lights that get even tighter when we tug and pull on them trying to get them apart.  The more we think about a problem that has us completely tangled, it wraps around us so tightly that we become trapped under a heavy coating of darkness that seems to smother us.

When I started tackling my mound of twisted strings of lights for a second round, I took one strand at a time and followed it through to the end.  As I cleared one strand, and then another, it felt as though I was following a unique path full of twists and turns with each one.  The same is true for each of our lives…we travel along dark and bumpy roads, yet when we get to the clear, smooth highway just ahead of us, our journey becomes filled with the warm glow of hope that sees us through to our destination.

I eventually got the lights all in order and strung around the tree.  My frown turned into a brilliant smile, as I stood staring at all of those tiny sparkles that dazzled before my eyes.  What a delight it is to see my little tree standing there, adorned with the twinkling array of colors and welcoming me home when I pull up to the driveway…it is the same glow that fills my heart when I think of the true light that fills my life; who’s birth we celebrate during this Christmas season.

May the life that Jesus Christ offers be the true light that guides you on your life’s journey.

Peace and love,


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On Going Home

On Going home

on going homeA Quote to Carry You

November 24, 2014

“Sometimes [going] home and sleeping in your childhood room is all the rejuvenation your body and mind needs.”  Alexia Danielle 

There is much wisdom in that simple statement isn’t there?  With the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching, I am sure that we can all relate to the simple pleasures of just going home.  An excitement like no other builds as we think about being around family members and friends that we don’t get to visit with often enough.  Going home and being surrounded by the things that are so much a part of who we are does trigger a sense of rest and relaxation deep within us as well.  This year I plan to spend the holiday with my two sister, Marjorie and Andrea, and I can’t wait to see them!  Are you counting down the days, like I am?

I wish you much rest and rejuvenation while enjoying the very best of times with your family and friends…and prayers for safe travels going home!

Peace and love,



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The Beauty of Change

beauty of change

“The Banks of the Bievre near Bicetre” (Detail),1898-1910, Henri Rousseau (Le Douanier). Image from a page of the 2014 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


The beauty of change is hidden sometimes…but oh what wondrous splendor there is to experience when we find it.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…”  Ecclesiastes 3:1

I am sure you’ll agree that change can be uncomfortable.   In fact, it can be down right scary, ugly even.  We all have a certain way of doing things, a certain level of comfort in knowing what to expect, for the most part, from day to day.  When our routine, our way of life gets disrupted, it can seem impossible to see the beauty of change.

It is easy to see the beauty of change between the four seasons,  The gradual melting of winter into spring is a welcome transition full of brightness and hope.  Then that brightness fades as the blaze of summer tempers itself into the subtle coolness of autumn. When change takes place in our lives, things don’t always happen so serenely.  Often times it comes from out of nowhere, and it throws us way off balance.  We can hardly stand to face it, let alone see the beauty of change.  Is there really such a thing?

Honestly, I can say yes.  The very word “change” indicates that something is about to or has become what it was not before…it is in that transformation where the beauty of change is found.  The life changes that I have experienced just recently seemed at first to be horrible.  Actually, they were terribly painful and the residue still coats my days.  But what they’ve spawned is a resilience that I could never have mustered without going through those changes. I do not understand why they happened, but I have come to accept and embrace them.  In that alone is a quiet beauty that I enjoy…knowing that whatever changes come about down the road that I travel in life, there is only good awaiting me when I arrive at my destination.

“There is beauty in change, in that I never doubt.  When I face them and embrace them, I know goodness will come about.”  Felecia R. Weber 2014,

Peace and love,


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Let the Day Unfold

let the day unfold

“Today,” photograph by Marilyn Hill


Let the day unfold – each new day is full of wonder.

Each new day is full of wonder; no two are exactly alike.  A while back when I had the rare opportunity to sit down and reflect on things, I thought about how precious each day is.  We cannot know what is inside each one until we let the day unfold and live it.

Following are some thoughts on just that.  Come along with me and let the day unfold…

Imagine…a new day has just rolled over the horizon.  The sun tickles your eyelids until they give in and open wide.  Suddenly streams of yellow rays spill over the soft blue sky; a celebration!  Night has given way to the brilliance of the morning!

All of nature starts to come alive after a night’s slumber.  The fluttering chirps of the early birds fill the air; a sound that is so much nicer to wake up to than the alarm clock.  Soon it becomes a melody sung by a full chorus in flight and it beckons you to peer out of the open window to find out what they are singing about.

Breathing deeply, you take in the freshness of the morning deep into your lungs. Now your whole body is ready to face whatever it is the day has in store for you.  Your senses tingle at the excitement of what lies ahead.  Certainly there are the normal tasks that you expect to fulfill, but what about the treasures that are tucked away just waiting for you to discover them?  As each hour offers its precious gift of seconds and minutes to you…don’t let them tick by without making the best of each one!

When you’ve come to the end of the day’s journey, what will you do with the remnants of your adventure?  Share them with your family over dinner; write them down and savor the details of your favorite parts?  Whichever way you chose to end today, just remember another day is right around the corner…like a beautiful carpet wound up at the top of the stairs…ready to unroll and color each step of tomorrow.

A happy day to you!


Let the day unfold

“Marilyn & Me” (at my birthday dinner). I dedicate this post to my dearest friend and Godmother, Marilyn Hill. Her love and encouragement, her constant thoughtfulness and caring for me was the inspiration for this post.


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There’s No Place Like Home

no place like home

“A Country Home Residence, possibly General Moreau’s Country House at Morrisville, Pennsylvania,” 1811-1813, Pavel Petrovich Svinn. Image from a page of the 2014 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


There’s no place like home…no matter how many times you return, no matter how things change…

Recently I had the opportunity, although unexpectedly, to make a trip back to my hometown.  It’s funny, because I was just thinking about how much I enjoy taking road trips, and my hometown of Erie, PA is about 6-7 hours away from my current home in New York state…depending on who’s driving that is!  Anyway, although the circumstance surrounding the reason for my trip there was not a pleasant one, the time I spent away was like a little sparkling jewel.  Indeed, there’s no place like home!

“When I think of home, I think of the place where I grew up…the place where my journey began.  When I return home for a visit, and leave again, it is like I am embarking on a whole new adventure.” Felecia R. Weber 2014,

When I first stepped inside the door of my parents’ house, my senses were flooded with the smells, sounds, tastes, and feelings of the many years I’ve spent living there.  My eyes darted swiftly over the family photographs hanging on the family room wall.  I smiled and felt honored to see the many drawings and needlework displays that I painstakingly crafted long ago still decorating almost every room that I peered into.  I seemed to be energized just by the scent of the eternal pot of coffee brewing in the kitchen.  My mouth watered and my tastebuds were delighted as I treated myself to a piece of zucchini bread that my Dad had made…he uses my Grandmother’s recipe which makes it all the more special!

Since it was already evening when my Mom, Dad and I arrived from our day’s traveling, we just ate a light supper and visited a short while before turning in for the night.  I slept in my old bedroom which is adjacent to my parents’ room.  I chuckled to myself  thinking back to the nights that I had spent pecking away at the typewriter finishing up writing assignments for my college courses…I am certain that my parents were glad that the only writing I did that night was on my iPad, quietly!  Anyway, it was peaceful listening to the familiar night sounds of the house…they served as my lullaby as I dozed off into a deep, restful sleep.

I returned to New York the next day. I must admit, I was exhausted after having driven so many miles to and from my hometown all within about a 36 hour period; but I would not have traded in that little snippet of time for all the world.  Being back at home, going back to my  roots even for a brief while, it seems to have revitalized me.  Somehow, I have a deep sense of renewal and restoration; and I am ready to continue on in my life’s journey.  Upon returning from my trip, I joked with my husband saying, “I can’t believe I had to drive roughly 400 miles to get 9 solid hours of sleep!,”  but you know, sometimes it does take extreme measures to receive enriching treasures!

Wherever you go during the upcoming travel season, be it back to your own hometown or some far off land, may you be refreshed and return renewed.

Buona viaggio!



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Riding the Waves

Riding the Waves

“The Great Wave at Kanagawa” from the series “Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji,” 1830-32, Katsushika Hokusai. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


Riding the Waves…when we are inspired, we explore, we reach higher, we soar!

“One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.”  Andre Gide

Riding the Waves

There’s a sound and it’s roaring,

Yes, it is calling my name.

I wonder, shall I answer?

If I do, will I ever be the same?

It is strong and demanding.

It beckons my heart…”Come to me!”

It is bold, it is fresh…

like waves rushing out to sea.

There’s a sound and it’s roaring,

I worry…I cannot swim!

I don’t know, where will it take me?

Is it for real, or simply a whim?

I am told for a seed to grow,

it must wither and die.

I can see the shore in the distance.

Step out and wade toward it, shall I?

There’s a sound and it’s roaring,

Okay, I shall take a dive!

Though I am tossed to and fro,

riding the waves, I am alive!

Felecia R. Weber,

My life is full of wonder right now… I feel as if I am on the edge of my seat!  I can’t look back, only forward…what is there awaiting me?  I am afraid, yet I am not…I am weak, yet there is a power within me that propels me forward.  What is that thing that won’t let me dwindle?  What is that thing that keeps my eyes wide open, not wanting to miss what there is to see?  Indeed, I feel as though I am riding the waves…heading toward a distant shore…one full of hope,  one full of life!

Peace and love,




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