Category Archives: Life Experiences

Short story writing collection relating to lifestyle themes.

Joy – What’s in a word?


“A Fresh Start,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Joy – What’s in a word? Feeling like spring is finally upon us, I can honestly say that I feel like jumping for joy!

Happiness, gladness, pleasure, delight.

When I have joy in my heart,

there is no sadness in sight!

Joy makes me feel radiant,

all shining and new.

As fresh as a field all covered in the morning dew!

Happy, delighted, pleased, glad…

What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me, please do!

Joy is what I felt when I got glimpse of the brilliant yellow petals of the crocus blossom in the photograph above.  After experiencing one of the harshest winters and only just now feeling like spring is finally upon us, I can honestly say that I feel like jumping for joy!  It feels so wonderful to step outside to feed the birds, check the mail or even take out the garbage, when I am greeted at the door by the fresh warmth of the season.  I’ve noticed that my little dog Bilbo and I seem to linger longer on our morning and evening walks…the air is filled with joy!

May you be filled with a brightness today, and may you share your joy with others along the way.

Peace and love,


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On Fullness

On Fullness

on fullnessA Quote to Carry You

April 13, 2015

“You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”  Psalm 23:5

On fullness…When I think of being full, I often think of just having finished a satisfying meal.  My body has been nourished and I have all that I need to carry on.  In my daily life, when I am not certain how to fill the spaces that are empty; when I truly don’t know what I need or how to go about getting it, I know that I can always turn to God for the answer.  It always amazes me how God fills me and supplies me with more than I need in any circumstance.  It’s like He dons an apron, seats me at His table, and prepares for me the most exquisite meal.  A feast that I could never have imagined even tasting, let alone being served course after course until I cannot take in any more.  Indeed, when my fulness comes from Him…I am completely satisfied.

Are you empty?  Are you seeking to be satisfied?  May you look no further and find your fullness in what God has already prepared for you.




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Can You Feel What I Feel?

Can you feel what I feel

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s Linda Celeste Simms in “Cry”. Photograph courtesy of Nan Melville

Can you feel what I feel?  The warmth of the fire that burns within me.  When your eye catches mine and we needn’t exchange words.

“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”  Khalil Gibran

Can You Feel What I Feel?

Can you feel what I feel?

The warmth of the fire that burns within me.

When your eye catches mine and we needn’t exchange words.

The sun doesn’t have to be shining when love glows that brightly.

All is right, all is perfect between us, nothing can separate us, can it?

Can you feel what I feel?

The blackness that hovers around me now because you are not here.

The smothering pain that tightens with every breath that I take.

Everywhere I turn, emptiness fills the space that you once occupied.

It seems like a part of me is missing; I am incomplete.

Can you feel what I feel?

Of course, you must, yes I know that you can.

For there in your heart, even though invisible, it is there.

I know because it is deep within my heart too…

Love knows no boundaries, not even time nor space.

Can you feel what I feel?

The love that still exists between us, the love that still binds us.

Feel it, caress it, hold onto it tightly…and never let it go.

They say that love is just a feeling, an emotion at best.

But no, to me love is alive and it never stops growing…

Love is eternal…and it keeps you alive in my heart always.

Felecia R, Weber 2015,

No matter what happens in life, or death, love is a power that binds.  Once it is born, nurtured and matures, it may take on various forms, but I believe it never truly dies.  May the love that you share with those who are dear to you always grow unhindered and live on in your hearts always.

Peace and love,


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My Pal Paxton!

My pal Paxton

Meet Paxton! My cousin, Robyn McDonald’s spunky little Miniature Schnauzer. Read on to see how he keeps her on her toes!

My Pal Paxton!  You are definitely one of a kind.  In you, a special little guy I certainly did find!

My Pal Paxton!

My Pal Paxton.

My pal PaxtonFrom the day you became mine,

our journey has been simply divine!

My pal PaxtonOf course, there are times when you get carried away.

You surely keep me entertained both night and day!

My pal PaxtonNo matter the weather, you’re always ready to play.

My pal PaxtonAs for my alma mater, you’re their biggest fan on the big game day!

My pal PaxtonMy pal PaxtonMy pal Paxton,

You are definitely one of a kind.

In you a special little guy I certainly did find!

Poem by Felecia R, Weber 2015,; photographs courtesy of Robyn McDonald

My pal Paxton“Calling all dog lovers!”

If you have a four-legged furry friend that you’d like to have featured in a poem on my blog, email your cutest pictures and a short bio to me, Felecia at

Hope to hear from you soon!



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On Emotions

On Emotions

on emotionsA Quote to Carry You

April 6, 2015

“When it comes to emotions…you can either take them or they will take you…it all depends on who’s in the driver’s seat.”  Felecia R. Weber,

On emotions…Emotions are powerful; they have the capability to lift us up and to bring us down.  They can be so intense that they can cause us to believe strongly in something whether it be true or not. Emotions can coax out the best in us and the worst in us. At times it may feel as though we have no control over them, but rest assured, we do.  As quickly as an emotion can come on, it can just as easily be turned off…it takes effort, but it can be done.  Whichever direction your emotions are driving you today, remember that ultimately, you have control over the steering wheel…may you enjoy your journey.



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Do This In Remembrance of Me

do this in remembrance of me

“Stained Glass Window (Detail),” c. 1902-1915, Louis Comfort Tiffany. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Do This In Remembrance of Me…Those words of comfort and instruction convey such power to me when I hear them…

“In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.'”  1 Corinthians 11:25

“Do this in remembrance of me.”  Whenever I participate in the rite of Holy Communion, I cannot help but to imagine the intensity of emotions that must have blanketed Jesus and his twelve disciples during their last Passover supper together on that unforgettable evening, so long ago.  The closest that I can come to even touching the surface of that kind of heaviness, is  during the last few months before my late husband, Stephen, passed on to be with our Lord.  Each day leading up to his physical death was filled with a certain bittersweetness that I’d never tasted before.  As with the weight of impending sorrow and loss looming over the disciples on that solemn night, I often felt a dark hollowness that threatened to swallow my hope and joy as I watched my dear one deteriorate before my eyes.  Although for them that night was distressing, and my heart ached continuously during those final weeks, what followed for them and what is still being revealed to me, makes being able to look back and remember those times so remarkable.

Jesus knew what was to follow within the next several hours between the time he broke bread and savored the wine that he shared with his beloved followers and the suffering that he would endure before prevailing in his glorious triumph over death.  He knew the sweetness that would overshadow so perfectly the bitterness that had to come first.  I believe that my husband knew too, that his suffering and discomfort was not in vain.  Jesus, his Lord and Savior had never failed him, and it was evident to me that Stephen’s confidence in knowing that he never would, grew stronger each day.  Remembering how faithful our Lord had been to him in the past, so kindled the flame of hope, that my husband bathed in a serenity that carried him through to that  very moment when he met Jesus face to face.

“Do this in remembrance of me.”  Those words of comfort and instruction, spoken by Jesus to his disciples, convey such power to me when I hear them now.  They seem to echo an overwhelming sense of sacrificial love through to my soul as I eat the bread and drink the wine that is served at communion.  As the disciples commemorated what Jesus did for all mankind in those early days of the Church, I have the beautiful memory of seeing in action, who and what Jesus was to Stephen…and Jesus is still all of that to me.

May you pause and remember the profoundness of what took place on this day so many years ago.  Take the time to remember what our Lord Jesus Christ did in sacrificing his own life for each one of us.  And, if you haven’t already, may you accept him into your heart that you too may receive what he has freely given…the gift of eternal salvation.

God’s peace to you,



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In God I Trust

In God I Trust

“From the Window of “291,” Looking Down Fifth Avenue,” 1911, John Marin. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

In God I Trust

In God I trust…He knows my strengths and my weaknesses too, whenever I am in doubt, He shows me exactly what to do.

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”  Corrie ten Boom

In God I Trust

In God I trust, He is always there,

whenever I am happy, angry, delighted or in despair.

He knows my strengths and my weaknesses too,

whenever I am in doubt, He shows me exactly what to do.

In God I trust, He cares for me so well.

His love surrounds me so, it makes my heart swell.

I can’t imagine life without my God, My Savior, My Lord,

that would be a sacrifice, I simply cannot afford.

In God I trust, my future in your hands you hold,

no matter what happens, only good things have you’ve foretold.

I am here by your providence, move forward I must.

So, I thank you for all you are to me…in you I will continue to trust.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

The world can be a scary place.  There is so much more that we don’t know about it than we actually do.  Sometimes just thinking about what the future holds for me, or rather, not knowing what awaits me there, can stop me in my tracks.  How can I step forward, when I’d much rather turn back around and head the other way?  My answer is “in God I trust.”

May your future be securely grounded in a trust so powerful that all of your unknowns become fully known…trust in Him.

Peace and love,


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On Trust

On Trust

on trustA Quote to Carry You

March 30, 2015

“Perfect trust, perfect love, perfect peace, perfect joy!”  Felecia R. Weber,

On trust…To trust someone, you’ve got to know them and to know them you have to spend time with them.  Trust is the foundation for so much of what a relationship is.  I believe that having complete trust in someone leads to deep love for them.  In turn, a deep love between two people leads to an unshakeable peace that binds them even closer.  And of course, where there is peace…there is joy!  The perfection in all of these things comes when we put our trust in God.  May your trust, love, peace and joy be rooted in Him.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  Romans 15:13

Peace and love,


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