Category Archives: Inspirations

Inspirational art, photo and writing collection relating to lifestyle themes.

Perpetual Motion

Perpetual Motion 1

“C’est la vie!,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber,


Perpetual Motion…Life, vita, vida, vie…whichever way you pronounce it, it never stands still.

“I am a spiritual being having a human experience.  My life is a continual unfoldment of my divine potential.” (Author unknown)

With this new season of freshness, growth and renewal upon us, I can’t help but think of how life is in perpetual motion.  Life itself is a constant cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth, growth, and on it goes.  The seasons demonstrate this circle of movement so well.  The dark, cold shadow of winter, can sometimes feel like death with its subdued bleakness surrounding us.  The early light and sprouting vitality of spring is reminiscent of the joy and brightness that we experience in our youth.  The intense heat of summer’s blaze is equal to the confidence and strength that propels us along through our adult years.  Alas, the crowning glory that comes with a lifetime of wisdom and knowledge, fades as quietly as does the fullness of autumn’s majestic colors…life drifts away into subtle hues of gray…and darkness rules once again for  a season.

“Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.  What is your life?  For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”  James 4:14

Life, vita, vida,vie…whichever way you pronounce it, it never stands still.  It is fascinating to see this principle in every living thing.  Plants sprout from seeds that have been sowed beneath rich, dark soil where they appear to be dead.  Before long, tiny green leaves develop and buds blossom in the matchless beauty of delicate petals that are seemingly here today, and gone tomorrow.  But oh what sweetness their fragrance brings.  And when they are spent, their perfume lingers for all to enjoy.

Perpetual Motion 2

“Vibrance,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber,

As with all living things, we all serve a purpose and its meaning fold during every stage of our lives.  We live our days through season after season, year after year.  Like the showers of spring help to grow the brilliance of a field of wildflowers in the summertime; our tears wash away our pain and disappointment, making way for the glimmer of a smile when good news comes.  The pensive mood that brews when watching a leaf bursting with russet hues falling gently to the ground in autumn, mimics the way we feel when we realize how much of our lives have already been lived.  There is something starkly compelling about peering out at a winterscape from a window, safe and warm inside.  The blustery wind that blows and howls outside, they echo death’s hollow song…the melody is one that we will all someday become familiar with.  Yet we will live on in the hearts of those who remember us and draw inspiration and vitality from all that we’ve left behind.

Whatever stage you are in, may you experience the perpetual motion of your life in a beautifully and wondrous way.


I bid you peace and love,


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Riding the Waves

Riding the Waves

“The Great Wave at Kanagawa” from the series “Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji,” 1830-32, Katsushika Hokusai. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


Riding the Waves…when we are inspired, we explore, we reach higher, we soar!

“One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.”  Andre Gide

Riding the Waves

There’s a sound and it’s roaring,

Yes, it is calling my name.

I wonder, shall I answer?

If I do, will I ever be the same?

It is strong and demanding.

It beckons my heart…”Come to me!”

It is bold, it is fresh…

like waves rushing out to sea.

There’s a sound and it’s roaring,

I worry…I cannot swim!

I don’t know, where will it take me?

Is it for real, or simply a whim?

I am told for a seed to grow,

it must wither and die.

I can see the shore in the distance.

Step out and wade toward it, shall I?

There’s a sound and it’s roaring,

Okay, I shall take a dive!

Though I am tossed to and fro,

riding the waves, I am alive!

Felecia R. Weber,

My life is full of wonder right now… I feel as if I am on the edge of my seat!  I can’t look back, only forward…what is there awaiting me?  I am afraid, yet I am not…I am weak, yet there is a power within me that propels me forward.  What is that thing that won’t let me dwindle?  What is that thing that keeps my eyes wide open, not wanting to miss what there is to see?  Indeed, I feel as though I am riding the waves…heading toward a distant shore…one full of hope,  one full of life!

Peace and love,




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On Crying…Tears of Hope

on crying…tears of hopeOn Crying…Tears of Hope

A Quote to Carry You

March 31, 2014

“Crying releases so much.  God thinks of everything…crying cleanses away what sadness brings.  Like fresh water flowing, the tears lead us through glistening waters to the welcoming shores of hope and love.”  Felecia R. Weber,

We all face sad times.  Life is full of them and they can spring upon us when we least expect them.  It is my hope for you when those times seep into your life, that you will not drown in your sorrows, but that you’ll stay afloat; ride the waves; splash onto shore…open your heart and from God’s abundant provision…let the blessings pour!

Peace and love to you,


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Fool-hearty and Fancy Free

Fool-hearty and Fancy Free

“Masqueraders” (Detail), 1875-78, Raimundo De Madrazo Y Garreta. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metrolpolitan Museum of Art Store


“Fool-hearty and fancy free…let not a care in the world trouble me…”

“The fool hath said in his heart, ‘There is no God.'” Psalm 14:1

April Fool’s Day is approaching. I think of it as a day full of jokes, pranks and lighthearted fun.  What appears to be real is actually fake; it is hard to take anyone seriously. It is easy to be fool-hearted and fancy free on such a day…after all, it’s all in fun isn’t it?  It is on April Fool’s Day… but when the jokes are played out and it’s time to take off the disguises and reveal our true selves…What lies behind the mask you wear?   Will it bring you joy or cause you to despair ?

As I contemplated these questions as they relate to “real life,” I was reminded of what happened in the Parable of the Ten Virgins, found in Matthew’s Gospel (Chapter 25:1-13):

“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise.  The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.  The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.  The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.  At midnight the cry rang out:  ‘Here’s the bridegroom!  Come out to meet him!’  Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.  The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’ ‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you.  Instead, go out to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’  But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived.  The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet.  And the door was shut.  Later the others also came.  ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’  But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’  Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.”

Taking it easy and having carefree fun certainly is not a bad thing.  In fact, it is essential and it provides a healthy balance to our daily lives.  As life will have it, however, things do not always go as planned.  Like the five foolish virgins in the parable, letting our guard down, not preparing for what may lie ahead, may cause undue hardship which can devastate us. Life is a precious gift to be enjoyed…no one can predict the future.  When challenges come your way, when there is no smiling mask to hide behind to make light of a serious situation…will you have what it takes to see you through?

“Fool-hearty and fancy free…for only a time that way we can be…but wisdom knows a better way. How will you prepare your heart today?” Felecia R. Weber,

Peace to you,



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All The World’s a Stage

all the world's a stage

“Dark Clown,” 1980, drawing by Felecia R. Weber,


All the world’s a stage…we each have a part to play.

“I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano; a stage where every man must play a part…” (from William Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice, Act 1, Scene 1”)

All The World’s a Stage

All the world’s a stage.

We each have a part to play.

The script is written; we practice, we recite.

We act out each scene through the day and through the night.

All the world’s a stage.

Some roles we favor, and some we do not.

We gleam in the spotlight, we shine in its ray;

but we fade into darkness when the light goes away.

All the world’s a stage.

We perform without ceasing.

Even when the audience is near empty, and the applause is weak,

the show must go on…no matter what it is we seek.

All the world’s a stage.

We give our best; we give our all.

When the curtain starts closing; when the last line is said…

What is it in life that propels us ahead?

All the world’s a stage.

So what do you say to that?

What part do you play, a leading role per chance?

Whatever it may be, to the lives of others may it enhance.

Felecia R. Weber,


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On Foolishness and Wisdom

On Foolishness and Wisdom

on foolishness and  wisdomA Quote to Carry You

March 24, 2014

“The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.” Proverbs 12:15

We all make mistakes and regret certain things we’ve done in the past.  Sometimes no matter what the warning signs may be, we proceed with our plans without considering the consequences.  We go blindly after those things we should not, as if we’ve no eyes to see how dangerous they can become.  Despite hearing the sound advice of trusted family and friends, we listen to our own cravings that may satisfy us for a while, but betray our true needs in the end.  It is not always clear which is the best way to go, but there is always one, wise answer for every situation…his name is Jesus.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  Matthew 7:7

May your way be made sure today and always.





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I Can Read It On Your Face

I Can Read It On Your Face

“Betty Newell,” 1922, Charles Courtney Curran. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


I can read it on your face…an expression, a look can tell others what we hold inside.

I Can Read It On Your Face

(a poem dedicated to my precious husband Stephen Cullen Weber)

I can read it on your face.

When something causes you to fear.

You needn’t worry, for I am always near.

I can read it on your face.

When a wrong fills you up with anger.

I admire your willingness to help others in danger.

I can read it on your face.

Shown through your gentle brown eyes so kind,

the compassionate spirit that fills your heart and mind.

I can read it on your face.

You are strong, courageous and brave.

Your character is always consistent in how you behave.

I can read it on your face.

When you are filled with pain and sorrow.

You never complain, yet you seek the hope of tomorrow.

I can read it on your face.

All of the love that you have for me.

I cannot express in words dear, how very much you mean to me.

Felecia R. Weber,

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” 1 Corinthians 13:1

Sometimes a certain look is all that it takes to convey so much more than words can ever speak.  The eyes can express a feeling so deeply that it touches ones heart in a way that no other form of communication can transmit.  At times, the voice is useless in relaying what needs to be said.

Peace and love,


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Through the Looking Glass

Through the Looking Glass

“Leia’s Eyes,” photograph by my niece Leia Gabrielle


Through the looking glass…what do you see when you look beyond the present?

“For now I see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12 

Through the Looking Glass

Through the looking glass I peer,

eyes wide open, longing to see,

all the things in the world that lie before me.

I see storms, I see sun, I see rainbows and such.

They’re so real that it seems I can reach out and touch.

Life is uncertain, there are many things I do not know,

but as I seek God’s guidance, his will to me he will show.

When darkness surrounds me; I will not fear the night.

For soon a new day is dawning, full of all that is bright.

For now I can see, a glimpse of what for me is in store,

there is hope, there is peace, there is love and so much more.

What do you see when you open your eyes wide?

May it be the love God provides, when in him you abide.

Felecia R. Weber,

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