Category Archives: Dancers

Dancer art and photo gallery collection related to lifestyle themes.

Life and living…

life and living

“Celebrate Life!,” graphite pencil drawing, Felecia R. Weber,

Life and living…

I have done a lot of thinking about life and living it these days. I am the product of a multi-racial heritage. I often think of each member of my extended family as a patch of fabric all sewn together into one big, colorful blanket, That imagery has always brought comfort and warmth to my heart. With all of the racial tension surrounding us in the media recently, I can’t  help, however, to think about how my own ethnicity has impacted my life.  It seems strange to be writing about such a thing because there are so many facets to it.  I could go on  and on about the subtle events that have taken place in my past that bruised rather than lifted me up.  The things that caused me to be disappointed rather than hopeful.  There are also just as many times that I can remember being able to hold my head high, and to be proud of my accomplishments, despite any negativity that may have threatened to get in the way.

“I am living my life to the beat of my own drum and making my own beautiful music along the way.” Felecia R. Weber Continue reading

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Dance…Poetry in Motion

Dance - poetry in motion

“Spring” graphite pencil drawing, Felecia R. Weber,

“Move, dance, let your body write its own poem.”

Dance…Poetry In Motion
A body in motion,
A river flowing…
Connected, never far apart.
A figure swaying to her inner rhythm,
A trickling stream rushing toward the open sea,
Silence gives way to a single note,
The body awakens; the hint of a dance
The chord has been struck, there is no turning back,
Hear the music, breathe in the melody,
Linger there, let it guide you freely,
Can you feel it?
Take the first step, never regret it…
A promise never failed…live your dream,
Become it! Continue reading

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