The Body Beautiful…the human body can be thought of as an instrument who’s lyrics create a language all its own.
The Body Beautiful
A lyrical form, the human body is.
Swaying gracefully to a rhythm all its own.
A body in motion, nothing can match,
not even the fluid line of the artist’s brush.
A statue it makes so smooth, yet refined…
a quiet stillness breathing life deeply within.
Its music? How luscious, most beautiful of all.
Each vein hums the melody that beats from the heart.
The human form, the essence of perfection…
and the mind equally yoked with intricate brilliance.
Like a vessel, the skin holds inside; a precious jewel…life!
Play your instrument, sing your words softly.
Let the world take notice…the body beautiful…is you.
Felecia R. Weber,
May you resonate fully with the beauty that is you!
Peace and love,
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The Body Beautiful
The Body Beautiful…A lyrical form, the human body is…each vein hums the melody that beats from the heart.
Felecia Weber
The human body is a true work of art.