Beyond this life there is something more. What awaits us there, we cannot ignore.
“However, as it is written: ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.'” 1 Corinthians 2:9
Beyond This Life
Beyond this life there is something more.
What awaits us there, we cannot ignore.
Will there be still, silence, and darkness as in the night?
Or will God’s peace surround us in His supreme light?
Beyond this life is something to consider you and I.
Death is a part of life; that we cannot deny.
It need not be something of which we are afraid.
For each and every one of us, the price of death has already been paid.
Beyond this life, when we entrust ourselves to God’s love and care,
There awaits us a place that is beyond compare.
There, all darkness fades into light,
Tears are wiped dry and all is bright.
Beyond this life, the Lord has prepared for you and me,
A place where every knee shall bow, in the presence of His glory.
There, He put an end to turmoil, anger, and strife,
For Jesus promises only peace and joy in His gift of eternal life.
Felecia R. Weber 2015,
With Halloween just around the corner, it’s hard not to think about the reality of death. The imagery of graveyards, skeletons, the Grim Reaper, and other scary references to the end of life’s cycle that appear during this time of year certainly do paint a dark and hopeless picture of what lies beyond this life. At the very least, it seems to be something to be avoided at all cost. No matter how frightening death is made out to be, it is something that we will all inevitably face. The good news is, that what lies beyond this life need not be something to fear…it needs only to be accepted.
“For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21
For those who have accepted the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, what God has prepared beyond this life is so incredible we cannot even fathom it. It is not something to avoid, but something to embrace. We have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. It is something freely given, born out of perfect love, and it can never be taken away…it is ours for all eternity. If you haven’t seriously thought about what awaits you beyond this life, I encourage you to consider what will be there awaiting you when turn to Jesus Christ and accept Him into your heart.
May your heart be filled with sustaining hope and joy in knowing that in Jesus Christ, unimaginable blessings await you beyond this life…and all eternity.
Peace an love,

Such a beautiful poem Felecia!