America, you’re beautiful! How thankful I am to have been born in such a nation as this.
America, You’re Beautiful!
America, your beautiful!
How fortunate are we.
To live in this nation bought with a price;
it is that blood that keeps us free.
Your beauty is unending, your richness is so vast.
Your land has yielded so much for us,
it is up to us to help make is last.
America, you’re beautiful!
How your history flows though the pages.
You welcome people from all over the world,
you have served them throughout the ages.
Through strife and victory, God has blessed us so bountifully.
We’ve trusted Him with everything,
may His grace cover us continually.
Felecia R. Weber 2014,
Please join me as we approach the day of celebrating the birth of our nation, and reflect upon all of the goodness we enjoy in our beautiful America.
Peace to you,

What a great country we live in!
Indeed we do Lew…and I hope it never becomes less than that!