A Humble Gift
A humble gift was given to us,
on that night so quiet and still.
No grandeur, no frills, no hype,
just the sheep grazing on a far off hill.
A humble gift was given to us,
there was something different about that birth.
The angel appeared, the shepherds gathered round,
ever since then, nothing has been the same on the earth.
A humble gift was given to us,
It’s not visible, we can’t touch it with our hand,
but it surrounds us in the air, the sea and the land.
This gift that was given, indeed it is real, and its promise is sure,
won’t you reach out, won’t you and receive it; and forever be secure.
Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com
Peace and love,
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Thanks again, Mom!
Love you,
A beautiful poem!
Thanks so much, Lew!
Peace and love,
Thanks Felecia, for touching on the most precious and infinite gift mankind has ever received. Surely the grace of God is both in and among us in the Person of Jesus Christ throughout the fleeting days and moments of the year.
Around this time of year, I like to paraphrase part of one of my favorite Bible verses: “For to us a child is born, and from the heart of God, His Son is given…” [Isaiah 9:6a].
Again, my thanks for encouraging us with this reminder of ‘A Humble Gift.’
Thank you for your enlightening and uplifting words Randall. Indeed The Lord is with us, Emmanuel, and among us in the person of the Holy Spirit who indwells all who believe in Him, Jesus Christ. No, there is no gift that has ever been or will be given that surpasses what God gave to us in the gift of his Son.
May His gift of love reign in your heart this Christmas and always.