Although my sisters are far away, I feel so close to them.
My two sisters and I live quite a distance apart. Marjorie, my older sister, lives in Ohio, while my younger sister, Andrea, lives in Pennsylvania. Given our busy schedules, to travel to either location from where I am in New York, can be a challenge. Thankfully, we keep in touch on a regular basis via the phone, emails or text messages. I am grateful for that, but nothing replaces the feeling I get when I embrace them, look them right in the eyes and tell them how much I love them. When the three of us are together, it seems like the sweet memories of our childhood years spill out of us like a bucket full of giggles. I swear, I laugh so hard, I can barely catch my breath and my jaws literally hurt from all of the smiling. As sisters, we’ve had our fair share of disagreements, annoyances and events that we thought we’d never get over. But, I can honestly say, I wouldn’t trade my two sisters in for the world!
Marjorie, Andrea, I care about you so very much. I miss you terribly, and I love you with all of my heart. May the words of this poem speak the volumes of love that are poured into them, way deep into your hearts.
We laugh, we cry,
We get angry, we comfort,
We provide support,
We lend an ear,
We give advice when needed.
We share our secrets,
We express our dreams,
We fill each other with hope.
We stay in touch, and we
keep to ourselves,
We miss each other and
we come back.
But most of all, we love,
And that’s what keeps us close,
even though we are far apart.
Thank you sisters, for being who
you are to me; my love to you always.

My dear sweet sister Felecia! You are truly the one full of life, vibrancy – caring and giving! You have always been my source of inspiration, sometime jealousy (smile), but most importantly my “example” of a woman of God. There are so many fond memories of our childhood . . . you remember, being “the girls.” You truly blew me away when you joined the Army Reserves – I couldn’t imagine my shy, sweet sister – in the army!! That truly showed me how “un-fragile” you truly are (physically and spiritually). There are so many things I can point out over these past 50 years . . . I love you so very much and am very proud to be your sister (and Andrea M.’s – smile)
Awww, thanks Marjorie. I will not even attempt to write what you mean to me…now that would indeed be a novel! 🙂 I have always admired you, the way you “blaze your own trails” and how you always have a way of lifting me up when I am down or feeling insecure. Thank you for being who you are, sis…I love you! 🙂
I love you too, Andrea M., very, very much! 🙂
The bond of siblings is a strong one. Even with 12 siblings here, we are a TIGHT knit group! Lovely poem and story about your 2 sister. You guys sound like the 3 Musketeers! (My 2 younger brothers and I are more like the 3 STOOGES….) 🙂
Yes, there is definitely something unique and seemingly inseparable about the bond between siblings…”3 Musketeers”, hah…I like that! 🙂 We are all very different, but when we come together, we meld into one little circle of sisterly love! 🙂 I can imagine that the love shared between you and your other 2 “Stooges” (lol) is the same. There is just nothing like it! I hope you continue to share that specialness with your siblings! 🙂
Peace and love,
Beautiful tribute to your sisters
I know they are proud of you
As I am proud of all of you
I truly see “Gods Hand” in
Your. Life
Love Mom
Thanks Mommy…gosh, I owe it all to you and Daddy! Thank you for the constant love, encouragement, guidance and support that you’ve always given me along the way…I am truly grateful and I love you sooooo much!! Okay, I will stop now…before I start to cry (joyful tears, of course!) 🙂
This poem is very touching, it reminds me of my own sister and my feelings about her.
Thanks Lew. I was really missing my two sisters when I wrote it…the bond between siblings is a very special one indeed.
My best to you and Lisa. Enjoy the holiday! 🙂